Chopin 愛しいお方

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Chopin my dear

Good afternoon
I love Chopin in classical music, and I think he is the strongest and greatful..
I used to love Chopin's Etude and listen to it all the time, but I never get tired of it...
So the other day, I thought I might listen to Nocturne once in a while, so I put on a CD, but my sensitivity stimulated me so much that I couldn't stop tears running
Anyway, Chopin's music is so so beautiful... It's really beautiful

When I was young, I didn't understand Chopin's feelings,
but these days I only listen to Nocturne, l can feel his emotion and heart
And I'm thinking of playing those great music on the piano...

Anyway, Chopin has created many masterpieces, so there are many music that I want to play , but I'll do my best with the intention of steadily doing them one by one...
Thank you for reading

posted by キキ at 22:50 | 日記